Amanda Castleman reading at Seattle's University Book Store (a pale white lady speaking into a mic, standing in front of a packed bookcase. She has long brown hair parted on the side, and is wearing a loose-knit sage v-neck sweater.)Amanda Castleman grew up performing at Plimoth Patuxet Museums and modeling in commercials. As a journalist and instructor, she’s now available for panels, lectures and media interviews. Her areas of expertise include travel, adventure, diving, interviewing, Italy, the Pacific Northwest, pitching, photography, travel writing and journalism (especially freelancing).

Broadcast producers, please note: I absolutely understand the importance of vetting calls. But I’m currently unable to carve out time for exploratory discussions unless your outlet has a national audience or offers a speaking fee. But feel free to email me if there’s a good overriding reason why we should still connect!

Travel Writing Webinars: panelist for Working in Travel Media Now and How to Feel 2025-ready,

The Workshop: I ran a seminar on Secrets of Pitching Success for Leigh Shulman’s program in 2022.

University of Washington Medical School: I keynoted for a 2019 fundraiser, talking about biophilia and forest bathing, among other health benefits of travel.

Travel Classics: I’ve presented scholarships in my late brother-of-choice’s honor at various conferences, including 2017, 2021 and 2023.

Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, Washington State University: I served as a panelist for Salary 411: Compensation Advice for Communication Grads

Oregon State University: I was a requested guest lecturer for Professor Inara Verzemnieks’ Magazine And Article Writing course (WR 448/548) in 2015.

Break Into Travel Writing: My former student Alexa Meisler now runs a podcast and group-coaching program about entering the industry. We had a great chat in 2015, which covered everything from impostor syndrome to my old studio space in Rome, where Galileo debuted the telescope in 1611.

Travel with Rick Steves: On Earth Day 2012 — fittingly — I chatted with Rick Steves about some favorite dive sites, from the turquoise coasts of Central America to the cold jade waters of Puget Sound.

Travel + Words: I anchored the Travel Writing 101 Roundtable at this Pacific Northwest conference. Theme: Sustainable + Green Travel and Tourism.

University of Washington: At my alma mater, I discussed publishing and travel writing on a panel about Careers for World Language and Humanities Majors

Seattle Writergrrls: In this 2010 panel, travel writer and instructor Amanda Castleman, journalist and author Candace Dempsey, and literary attorney Gary K. Marshall will discuss some of the legal and practical issues facing freelancers at the beginning of their careers. Learn how to kick-start your writing career, and how to maintain it in style!

Northwest Dive Expo:  I spoke on the Deep Ambitions panel about scuba-related careers in 2009.

Society of Professional Journalists: How does a freelancer stir up a living out of the stew of citizen journalism, budget-challenged print outlets, corporate “newsrooms” and web 3.0, the next iteration beyond social media? Join a panel of writers and editors to discuss where freelancers might find their next meal ticket.

Panelists for “Freelancing at a Crossroads: Jobs in a Changing Landscape” included Amanda Castleman, freelance travel writer and editor of a Web 3.0 startup; Martin Wolk, business editor of; George Bukota, industry journalist and marketing copywriter; and Randy Woods, managing editor of Seattle Business Monthly. Moderator will be Bill Thorness, freelance writer and editor.

Pre-2008 experience: appearances at New York City’s Community Bookstore, Seattle’s University Bookstore and Queen Anne Books, Bellingham’s Village Books, Atlanta’s Escapes radio program. Also the Trip Chicks teleseminar “Insider Secrets of the Travel Experts,” the Society of Professional Journalists’ regional conference and the University of Washington Daily reunion honoring former publisher Oren Campell.